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Created by Antonio Gades in collaboration with Carlos Saura, this matchless production shows how the explosive power and intensity of feeling in traditional Spanish flamenco can bring vividly to life the sultry passion, earthy emotion, love and rivalry that is Carmen.
Vanesa Vento lives and breathes Carmen, emphasizing the many faces of this character, female, passionate and freedom fighter, but fickle in love as she shamelessly flirts with men she likes, inspiring desire, rivalry and jealousy amongst both the men and other women. But Carmen's gypsy wildness becomes her own downfall when she discards Don José's (Ángel Gil) love for that of the bullfighter (Jairo Rodríguez), as possessed by a piercing despair Don José kills her.

Cast & Crew

(Director), Angel Gil (Don Jose), Joaquin Mulero (Husband), Jairo Rodriguez (Bullfighter), (Choreographer), Vanesa Vento (Carmen), (Composer), (Choreographer), (Composer), (Composer)
